National Memorial at Utøyakaia

Location: Utøyakaia, Hole, Norway

Year: 2022

Status: Built

Client: Statsbygg

Photographers: Karin Björkquist & Sébastien Corbari

In collaboration with Bureau Bas Smets

The project is a national memorial for the victims, survivors, and rescuers of the two terror attacks that hit Norway on Friday 22 July 2011 where 77 people were killed; 8 in the bombing of the government quarters, 69 on Utøya island at the summer camp of the Norwegian Labour Party’s youth organisation.  

The project is situated on the mainland across the waters from the Utøya. From here the terrorist took the boat to the island, this was the place youth that managed to save their lives by swimming across the water met help and where injured victims were taken care of in the beginning of the rescue operation.

77 individually formed, solid bronze columns are placed on the first step of a stone stair by the water. Each column carries the name of a victim, each name is a unique relief. The stone stair continues out into the water where it forms a dock commemorating the locals who, in spite of risking their lives went out in their boats to help in the rescue operation. 

The utilitarian parts of the project; access road, technical facilities, dock, and shelter are built in concrete and sandblasted stainless steel. The ground is covered in local gravel of the same origin as the bedrock in the area.


The mourning buildings


Satyricon & Munch