Motif & Theme
May 6th we will give a talk about our work as part of The International Lecture Series The Art of Analysis at KADK, Copenhagen.

Manthey Kula listed among the Top 10 architecture firms in Norway
We are happy to be listed among the Top 10 architecture firms in Norway by Canadian Åvontura, who provides inspiration, opinions and must-see city guides for architects, designers, travelers, and creative minded people.

Lecture in Chile
April 15th we will give a keynote lecture about the work of manthey kula at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago.

Monument at Akershus approaching completion
The National Monument at Akershus, honoring those who have served in international operations for Norway, will soon be opened. A 100 m long bench in Norwegian volcanic stone will surround the memorial garden which is a transformation of an existing grove of 15 linden trees planted in the 1990’s. Inside the garden are three elements in machined bronze: A wall with the names of those who have lost their lives, a torch with an eternal fire and a plaque.

Keynote lecture
March 18th we will give a keynote lecture about the work of manthey kula at The Berlage, TU Delft.

ailleurs… ou plus loin
The Archipelago project, part of the Frac collection, is now exhibited at the Frac Centre-Val de Loire.
The exhibition is open until 09.05.2021
Construction site, Utøyakaia
The setting of the stones for the guest dock has started: Stone inside form-work surrounded by water. The lowest layer of the large anorthosite blocks is set 1,1 m below water-level.

Merry Christmas

Groundwork has started at the National Veteran Monument
Ditches for the foundations established, top layer ready to be removed. The linden trees have very shallow roots. Close to the trunks existing grass is saved to protect the trees. Exposed roots were covered instantly.

Visit to Varia to follow production of bronze elements for the National Veteran Monument
The bronze parts of the monument; the eternal fire, the wall of names and the information plaque, are made of standard machined elements that are bolted and welded together. The details of the torch for the eternal fire require special attention.

The Guest of Honor Pavilion nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2022
This is manthey kula’s fourth nomination to the Mies van der Rohe Award, this time together with LCLA. Photo above shows the pavillion before the arrival of books and public. More than 300 000 people visited the fair. (Photo: Luis Callejas)