Office trip
Project meeting combined with a great trip to Köln and Insel Hombroich.

Competition news
Manthey Kula receives third prize in the open competition for a coffee shop in Brunnsparken, Gothenburg.

Prince Eugen medals
Beate Hømebakk and Per Tamsen receive Prince Eugen medals for outstanding artistic achievement.
Photo: Jonas Borg

Public talk
Beate Hølmebakk gives a public talk as part of Against the Norm series at Hochschule Biberach, Germany.

Lecture in Austin
Beate Hølmebakk lectures at the Austin School of Architecture, Texas.

Architects not Architecture
Public talk

The permanent exhibitions at the new Munch museum published in PLATFORM magazine.
Photo: MUNCH

House on Hamburgö published in PLATFORM magazine.
Photo: Mikael Olsson

Compassion in Action
Opening of the exhibition on Fridtjof Nansen and the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award at the Nobel Peace Center.
Exhibition design by manthey kula
Opening of the National memorial at Utøyakaia
Opening ceremony

House on Hamburgö published in Trä
Exhibition design by manthey kula
Photo: Mikael Olsson
Satyricon & Munch
Exhibition design by manthey kula

Rotunda IV: Manthey Kula
New book on Manthey Kula in the Rotunda series from Trema Förlag.
Available at www.hgz.no, www.konstigbooks.com and www.tremaforlag.se

House on Hamburgö published in Casabella

AR House 21 - House Hamburgö Highly Commended
David Leech: ‘This house is a masterclass in building sustainably. It demonstrates that if architecture is to be inherently sustainable one must not look at environmental concerns with separate solutions but rather as building fabric and material.’

House Hamburgö is shortlisted for AR House 21
We are pleased to announce that House Hamburgö is shortlisted for the prestigious AR House 21 Award.
Photo: Mikael Olsson

MUNCH : Four permanent exhibitions by Manthey Kula open today
Photo: MUNCH/Einar Aslaksen

National Veteran Monument unveiled

manthey kula visits Å
First site visit to Å in Lofoten

Sigurd Lewerentz - Pure Aesthetics
Congratulations to Karin Björkquist, Sébastien Corbari and Park Books for the beautiful book on St. Mark’s Church with essays by: Beate Hølmebakk, Stephen Bates, Hansjörg Göritz, Petter Eklund, Maria Aron Berg and Matt Hall.